




Lily In The Darkness




"Lotus blooms through darkness,

unfurling Hope beckons the Light,

resurrected beyond the shadows,

a courageous spirit firefly await for Love.

Surrounded delicately by an enchanted vision,

dreaming illusions of a world unknown,

  promises another Truth and Reason" - A Soul Writers Poem


Its color is yellow. Its name is "Lily In The Darkness". It is the fifth plane of the sacred city, bathed in the hues of yellow. They are 13 gates in this plane, called Petals, all leading to 13 different realms through a passage. 

Lily In The Darkness


The First Petal | Dulcinea (Jeff Gunderson aka Jeff G)

The Second Petal | Anais (Yvon J. Cormier)

The Third Petal | Svetlana (Lana Deym Campbell)

The Fourth Petal | The Falcon (Craig Fallon aka The Falcon)

The Fifth Petal | Pristina (Joan Withington aka Joanie)

The Sixth Petal | Truth (Gianni Di Miele aka Gianni)

The Seventh Petal | The Friend (Jessica Sicko Ginter aka Jessie)

The Eight Petal | Treasure Trove (Kat Sullivan aka Katriona of the groves)

The Ninth Petal | Poetry Nest (Linda Taylor Cole)

The Tenth Petal | Tradition (Thomas Karl Krull aka Tom Kat)

The Eleventh Petal | Dreamweaver (Bryan A. Casey)

The Twelveth Petal | The Fidler (Barbara Kausteklis aka Barbara K)

The Thirtenth Petal | Shalimar Rose (Barbara Ann Smith aka Shalimar Rose)

Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.