İhsan Gürel was born in 1968 in Nicosia. Between 1974 and 1986 he did his primary and secondary education in Nicosia and Arabahmet and he completed his high school in 1986. Between 1981 and 1986 he took took piano and singing lessons and participated in the Music Chorus (Turkish Cypriot Musical Society) with Kanon instrument. He did untill 1994 his higher music education (Voice - Piano) in the department of the Faculty of Education of the Bursa Uludag University and between 1988 and1990 he served as a choir member and soloist in the Bursa Uludag University Turkish Music Chorus.
He is manager of Sim Radio, Nicosia. He is also conductor of Kyrenia Municipality Turkish Classical Music Community since 1997. He studied music in Bursa, Turkey. He is also interested with poetry and he published his first poem book “Ğ Poems” in 2001. He attended to BRTK Music Competition in 2007 and he is awarded second winner. He is still giving concerts with the choir to do not let people to forget traditional and basic melodies of Turkish music.
İhsan Gürel Concerts as maestro
In 1998
- In Memory of Zeki Muren, Kyrenia, Nicosia, Cyprus
In 1998
- Unforgetable I (Guest: Selahattin Erköse) in Beylerbeyi, Bellapais, Cyprus
- 75. - 15. Yıl Kutlama Concert in Beylerbeyi, Bellapais, Cyprus
In 1999
- Friendship songs (Guest: Mihriban Sayın) in Nicosia, Kyrenia, Morphou & Famagusta, Cyprus
- Unforgetable II (Guest: Avni Anıl, Cem Kafkas) Nicosia, Cyprus
In 2000
- Unforgetable III( Guest: Alaeddin Yavaşça) Nicosia, Cyprus
- Kyrenia 1st Amateur Turkish Art Music Vocal Competition (Guest: İnci Çayırlı, Cem Kafkas, Özhan Aktaş) Nicosia, Cyprus
In 2001
- Together and Solo Songs From Us to You Nicosia, Morphou, Cyprus
- Kyrenia Bahar Concert Kyrenia, Cyprus
- Tribute to Gürses Anısına (Guest: Kutlu Payaslı) Nicosia, Kyrenia, Cyprus
In 2002
- Tribute to Gürses Anısına Morphou, Cyprus
In 2003
- Eski Dostlar (Guest: Mediha Şen Sancakoğlu, Gültekin Çeki) Nicosia, Cyprus
- Bir Şarkıdır Yaşamak (Guest:Nesrin & Çetin Körükçü) Nicosia, Cyprus
- Kyrenia 2nd International Olive Festival Concert in Zeytinlik, Kyrenia Cyprus
In 2004
- Bursa Concert (Guest: Gültekin Çeki, Cem Kafkas, Özhan Aktaş) Bursa, Türkiye
- Kyrenia 3rd International Olive Festival Concert (Bir Demet Zeytin Dalı)Beylerbeyi (Bellapais), Cyprus
In 2005
- Gönül Penceresinden (Guest: Nezihe Asil & Cem Kafkas) Lefkoşa, Cyprus
- Bursa – Kyrenia partner Concert (director: Erdinç Çelikkol & İhsan Gürel) Kyrenia, Cyprus
- 4th International Olive Festival Concert Kyrenia, Cyprus
In 2006
- London Concert Londra, İngiltere
- Kyrenia ve İzmir Karşıyaka Municipality partner Concert Kyrenia, Cyprus
In 2007
- Kyrenia ve İzmir Karşıyaka Municipality partner Concert İzmir, Karşıyaka
- 6th International Olive Festival Concert (Guest Composer: Erdinç Çelikkol, Guest Artist: Mihriban Sayın) Kyrenia, Cyprus
In 2008
- Yeşilçam Brotherhood Concert Kyrenia, Cyprus
- İstanbul Kadıköy Brotherhood Concert (Guest Composer: Erdinç Çelikkol) Kadıköy – İstanbul, Türkiye
- Yeşilçam Brotherhood Concert Lefkoşa, Cyprus
In 2009
- Avni Anıl’ı Anma Concert (Guest: Nesrin & Çetin Körükçü, Guest of Honor: Alaeddin Yavaşça) Kyrenia, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Women Composers Concert (Guest: Mihriban Sayın) Kyrenia, Cyprus
In 2010
- Sevgi Faslı Concert Kyrenia, Cyprus
- Biraz Sazdan Biraz Sesten Kyrenia, Cyprus
- Saadettin Kaynak Compositions Kyrenia, Cyprus
In 2011
- “Veda Busesi” Yusuf Nalkesen Anısına Kyrenia, Cyprus
- İbibikler Öter Ötmez Kyrenia, Cyprus
- 1st Kyrenia Cultural Festival Concert Kyrenia, Cyprus
- Brotherhood Concert Karşıyaka, İzmir
a) Turkish Art Music
In 1985
- Hicazkar lyrics “Yine Mektup Aldım Gül Yüzlü Yardan” ( Lyrics: Aşık Veysel) Nicosia, Cyprus
- Nihavend Instrument Work "Tribute to Anil Avni" Nicosia, Cyprus
Turkish Popular Music
In 1992
- Defol: Bursa, Türkiye
- Kurdum Kendimi Bursa, Türkiye
- Ayar Etme Beni Bursa, Türkiye
In 1996
- Küçük Ada’m Kyrenia, Cyprus
In 1999
- Aşka Özlem Kyrenia, Cyprus
1996 - 1997 Klip-er - Cyprus Newspaper "Musical" page 24 for more
2002 - 2003 Müzikolik – Yenidüzen Gazetesi s.20
In 2000
Basın Gazetesi s.21
Radio Program producer
In 1998
Sim FM. Classic Music Program announcements
In 1999
Sim FM Melodic Memories (Turkish Art Music Program)
In 2002
- “Ğ” Poems Poetry book| Graphic Design: Nilgun Güney to 500. Lefkoşa, Cyprus
- “Ğ” Poems Poetry book| 2nd print to 200 Nicosia, Cyprus
In 2003
- “Piyano” PYGMALION (Yenidüzen Culture and Arts Magazine) Issue 9 s.2
- “Yengeç ve Fica” PYGMALION Issue 13 s.4
- “Ay Akarken Yola” PYGMALİON Issue 16 p.4
In 2004
- “Ay Akarken Yola” EMAA Newspaper, Number 1 p.3
- “Dönüşüm” EMAA NewspaperNumber 2 p.2
- “Hadi Ce” & “Ali Zavra” EMAA Newspaper, Number 4 p.12
In 2005
“Hasta” PYGMALION Sayı 32 s.3
Temmuz 2006
“İhsan Gürel' poetry of betrayal” PYGMALION p. 21
In 2003
“Karpazdan Fosiller” E.KA.TE Newspaper p.1 (Güney Cyprus)
In 2004
“Ektoplazma” Photo of the cover for a book of poetry published by Ozan Özgenler
Live Performance
In 2002
“Şiir, Grafik, Video Performance” İhsan Gürel’in poetry, Nilgün Güney’in graphics and Ateş Kozal’s video, music performance Saçaklı Ev (fringed home) Nicosia, Cyprus
In 2003
Çizgi Dışı (Bi-communal Painting and Sculpture Music Workshop) Ledra Palace buffer zone, Nicosia, Cyprus
Poetry Poster Collections
(for collectors (46x32))
“A”: Artam Diren Collection
“B”: Berna Azkal Collection
“E”: Kutlay Erk Collection
“H”: Hıfsiye Ruh Collection
“I”: Serdar Denktaş Collection
“İ” Baki Boğaç Collection
“K” Kyrenia Municipality Turkish Art Music Community Education Center Fikret
“L” Göksel Akın Collection
“M” Mehmet Gürel Collection
“Ö” Filiz Naldöven Collection
“U” Salih CoşarCollection
“Ü” Ozan Özgenler Collection
“V” Ayşe Yıldırım Collection
“Z” Hatice Özalp Collection
Awards and Plaque
In 1994
Bayrak Radio and Television Corporation (BRTK) Amateur Photography Contest Honorable Mention
In 1999
Cyprus' Journal Special Music Award ( Kyrenia Municipality Turkish Art Music Ensemble in 1998 )
In 2000
Kyrenia Amateur Turkish Art Music Vocal Competition moment plaque
In 2005
Bursa – Joint Concert moment Kyrenia plaque
In 2005
3 rd International Olive Festival plaque moment
In 2006
Londra Konseri Anı plaketi
In 2006
- BRTK – Department of Youth Light Music Composition Contest Ödülü “Düşü Üşür Kedinin”
- President of the Joint Municipal Karşıyaka concert in memory
In 2012
- Mayor of Izmir Brotherhood Karşıkaya concert in memory
- Kyrenia Municipality President commemorate 15th Year
In 2000
- Famagusta Municipality 1st Turkish Art Music Composition Contest
- 1 st Amateur Turkish Art Music Vocal Competition
In 2001
- Famagusta Municipality 2nd Turkish Art Music Composition Contest
In 2002
- Famagusta Municipality 3rd Turkish Art Music Composition Contest
In 2004
- European Mediterranean Art Association “Young storyteller Short Story Competition”
In 2012
- BRT 2nd Turkish Art Music Composition Contest
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© All rights reserved to the poetry and writings by İhsan Gürel