




Message from Aytunç 

I was born on 30 September 1982 in the city of Famagusta, Cyprus. Thanks to my parents, I had an amazing childhood and I grew up in a loving family and friends’ circle both in Famagusta and later on in Nicosia, where I moved with my family at the age of 7. I have always found myself in the elements of aesthetics, harmony, balance, kindness, peace, unity, honesty and more alike. This, in conjunction with the fierce force of creativity & musicality within me, directed me to this magical path I am walking at the moment ever since years of youth.

I am a singer, songwriter and a musical philosopher I would say. What I dream of doing with music is to question, question, stimulate, unite, transmute and convey awareness for humanity on many levels, within my capability. I feel it is my mission to deprogram and reprogram minds to recognize the elements of divine truth more clearly. I believe this will be my way of assistance to humanity in its evolutionary path.  In my songs the higher truth is communicated in the form of fairy tales, so as well as a musician I kind of see myself as a fairy tale writer & narrator.

Notes from Halkios

(coming soon)


Videos and live performance



© All rights reserved to the  poetry and writings by Aytunç Akdoğu


Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.