




Message from Susan

My name is Susan Miller Leeling and I am a follower of the winds, riding on the storm of God’s hand and floating in the breezes of time. During my travels through life I’ve become a daughter, sister, wife, mother, cousin, friend…and child of God and sister of Jesus Christ. I was born in Nebraska in the United States and lived the majority of my life in that state. Since 2006, I have been traveling the United States with my husband as we follow a construction company from job to job and see our great nation.
My husband and I have four children; three sons and one daughter. During the last ten years we’ve also been blessed with six grandchildren and one more to arrive in November of this year. Two very beautiful daughters-in-law and one handsome son-in-law that have enriched our lives beyond compare. God has blessed me greatly in the beautiful immediate and extended family that I am a part of in this world. Halkios’ moniker for me is “Gramma Susan” which is wear with great pride!
Writing became a destiny-changing part of my life when I was twelve years old. I began by writing poems and short stories at that time. I look back on some of them and see a very rudimental form but so much heart in them, they are also my children. In the last seven years I have begun to really cultivate my talent as a writer and grown through my experiences while doing so.
Halkios and the Diary of the Angel’s Nest became a part of my humble life and writing experience approximately three years ago. I saw such wisdom, peace, hope and love within his words and those of my fellow Angels. We’ve become a very special family of another dimension and have grown to over 91 of us presently. My involvement in The Diary has opened my eyes to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with my God and I am truly thankful for the members of the Diary because of that.
In June of 2011 I met Mary and Francis Young when they brought the Diary to Belle Chasse, Louisiana. We had a wonderful couple of days getting to know each other and I also had time to sit down and read through the Diary as well as add my own words to its pages. The power and magic I felt as I held it in my hands was immeasurable! Tears of joy and love streamed from my eyes as I read through everyone’s stories. I felt so humbled and unworthy to be a member of this special journey, but I wanted so much to be a part of it all.
Writing my poems that I added to the pages, I was truly inspired and felt I was physically touched by God’s hand as my pen touched the pages. It was an once-in-a-lifetime experience I am convinced. I have become a part of a family of brothers and sisters in God’s love and it is so very rewarding! We’ve supported each other through financial difficulties, death, job losses, as well as weddings, births and so many other events in our lives. The bond being the love and dedication that each of us has to each other and to our faiths.
In addition to being a part of this special family, we have also become ambassadors and angels for God to spread his message of love and peace to the world. I pray that The Diary of Angels Nest continues to shine in the future to bring together future generations and to bring a message of peace, hope, love and faith to the entire world!


Susan ~Peace and Love~

 © All rights reserved to the  poetry and writings by Susan Leeling aka Grandma Susan




Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.