




About Mihalis

Mihalis was born in Ilion, Athens Greece. He graduated accountant from SDO in Piraeus and continued studies in musical and practical in harmony has a degree in acoustic guitar and also studied electric guitar. He gives private lessons in English, acoustic guitar and harmony but he also works as an accountant in a bank. He has always been interested in sports and he does cycling; he is an athlete of martial arts (Muay Thai) and he is practicing yachting in which he has a degree.

About Kostas


In 2009 Kostas formed a group with Avgi Platanidi aka Dawn (room 712) called Nonsense and had some shows together in various greek cities and later on in 2013 he joined a rock band called Rag Dolls.

Rag Dolls is a cover band reviving classical and modern gigs of rock sound and color. Members : Spyros Konitopoulos (Σπύρος Κονιτόπουλος): vocals, Myrtia Papamihail (Μυρτιά Παπαμιχαήλ): vocals, Kostas Babaletsos (Κώστας Μπαμπαλέτσος): guitar, Markos Papadonikolakis (Μάρκος Παπαδονικολάκης): guitar, Asimakis Kostaras (Ασημάκης Κωστάρας): drums. 



The Shadow of Hours


(coming soon)


© All rights reserved to the  compositions and music written by Kostas Babaletsos and Mihalis Lekkakos

Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.