




Message from Gianni

Gianni was born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey of the USA and has lived there most of his life. However, he has roots on both sides of his family in the beautiful region of Campania in southern Italy and secretly wishes to purchase a one-way ticket to spend the rest of his days in his father's birthplace - the lovely hamlet of Sassano - which is nestled in the mountains and flanked by the Cilento national forest. He currently lives near Princeton, New Jersey with his wife and two youngest daughters. He has three adult children who live in the western USA. Gianni has enjoyed reading poetry for as long as he can remember but has only begun to write over the last four years. His favorite poetry form is the Petrarchan Sonnet. He feels quite priviledged to be part of the Angels' nest project and sees it as a small but significant step in bringing people a little closer together. 

Notes from Mary

We met Gianni on Halloween morning at a Bagel Shop in Colt's Neck NJ. Amidst his busy schedule, he took a few hours to meet Kat, Francis and I. Amidst the beauty of autumn, over hot coffee and bagels, we spoke of life, poetry, and mutual friends. Gianni is a poet, but like all poets he is so much more; he has a laugh that is infectious. His love of life, his family, and people permeates his essence. A romantic to the bone and Italian in the most positive ways. Easy to talk to, easy to be captivated by. We probably got him in trouble with his wife for our short meeting turned into several hours before we knew it. He reminded me for some reason of my Father (who passed away almost forty years ago and this is a compliment dear friend) in personality and in looks with his dark hair, dark complexion, and dancing dark eyes. He gives the best hugs. Friendly but not threatening in any way. We were all sorry that we only got a few hours with this kind man. He was charming and so informative. We hope the next time we ramble in this part of the country; He can show us NY/NJ from his perspective a bit more. We know he knows the best places to dine and have a grand time."


From the Thunderbuss Journey, written by Mary and Francis Young

© All rights reserved to the  poetry and writings by Gianni Di Miele aka Gianni





Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.