



athina art

Mural at the Larnca Airport by Athina

About Athina Antoniadou


25 October 1962
She was born in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Goes to North America, Paris, Texas, where she studies under Cathie Tayler.
She gets a price for her work at the Eighth Texas Collage Show.

Visits and works (usually summers) the Lemba College of Arts in Paphos, Cyprus.

Transfers to the “California College of Arts and Crafts” in Oakland, where she gets her BFA degree.

1986 November- 1986 January
Travels to Greece and Italy
In January returns to Cyprus where she presents work at the French Embassy for the Matisse Price.

She takes part with two friends, Susanna Pitsillidou and Penelope Konstantinou, at an exhibition in Opus Gallery.
Has her first solo exhibition at Gloria Gallery, Nicosia, called “Pots”

She Organizes the “Pan Cyprian Women’s Exhibition at Famagusta Gate, Nicosia. For the “Women’s Study Organization”.

The “Royal Project”, was co-created by the Artist, Ceramist, Varvara Georgiou and Architect, Michalis Vassiliades.
An installation in the abandon, cinema “Royal” in Nicosia.

“The up-side down Pink Triangle” Exhibition supporting Gay Rights in Cyprus.
Iridanos Gallery, Nicosia
She moves to Spain, after getting a four-year Scholarship for a PHD at the Complutense de Madrid.

She makes her three first exhibitions in Spain. A series called “Floors and Table Clothes”.
Gallery Medievo in Hondarribia and La Colchoneria in San Sebastian.and Gallery Nave Diez in Valencia where she also works as an Interior Designer.

She has a show at the Orcasitas Cultural Center in Madrid of her series “Clothes and Table clothes” and moves back to Cyprus were she puts up, at Argo Gallery, the exhibition called “The Unknown Church”.
She rents a house at Maroni Village, Cyprus, where she lives and works for the next two years.

She presents her work “Maria in the yellow polk-a-dot dress” at Argo Gallery, and takes part at the Group exhibition at Ayios Andreas, for, “Nicosia, European Capital”

Travels to Paris for a few months and on her return to Cyprus, presents her b/w exhibition “It was she…and she went crazy!” at Argo Gallery.
Also that year travels to England to take part at an exhibition called “Modern Goddess” Organized by the “Isis” Group, in New Castle.

Commission by Cyprus Airway’s for their “50th Anniversary”.

"Chou-Chou lamps" was a project together with designer Joanna Luca.

She moves to Paphos for a while, where she works for her exhibition, “What Ever happened in the Kitchen…I’ll never tell...”
She exhibits the work at Argo Gallery, Nicosia, and takes part at an exhibition called “Useful Objects” at the same Gallery.
At the end of the same year, travels to South Africa for 6 months, where she helps build the Black Rock Studios with English and South African Artists.
After Africa visits London and Praque.

Sends work for the 5th Triennale Mondiale d’ Estampes Petit Format in Chameliere, France and at the Biennale Internationale Design in Saint Etienne, France.

Shows her work “Africa by Catalogue” at Argo Gallery in Nicosia and Morfi Gallery in Limasol
She also takes part in the XXIeme Biennale d’ Alexandria des Pais de la Mediterranee, where she gets an honorary mention.
Later that year moves to Berlin, where she still lives and works.

Takes part with Yorgos Kypris and Christos Petridis at Art Athina, Athens, Greece.

In Berlin she is part of a group exhibition at Skisms Studio in Friedrichain, the exhibition is called “Politically Correct”

Co-Organizes “WERKBANK 1” in Berlin.
Later that year she is commission for a piece at Den Hague, Holland for “Oder aan de Hofvijver” (10 new European members).
Presents her Berlin work “ Between Conversations” at Art Athina in Athens and also has exhibitions of the whole work at Gavalenco Gallery, Holland, Kipriaki Gonia and Argo Gallery in Cyprus.
In Berlin, she takes part at the Group exhibition, “Traces, Traced, Tracing” at the Berliner Kunst Project.

Co-organizes “WERKBANK 2”.
Takes part at an exhibition at the Berliner Kunst Project, in Berlin, called “Visions in Figures and Form”, and back in Cyprus she takes part in the exhibition, ACCIDENTAL MEETINGS at the Nicosia Municipal Art Centre and at HYPER LINKS at the Foundation Evagoras and Kathleen Lanitis.
At the end of the year, she has a solo exhibition, “Between Conversation”, at Zita Mi Gallery in Sallonika, Greece. The Modern Art Museum of Northen Greece keeps one of her works.

One of “25 Cypriot Artists” at Yeni Tjami in Sallonika, Greece.
Works at an international Stone Symposium in Ayia Varvara, Cyprus and spends 2 weeks building the 309 Suit at the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden.

She is a co-founder of “THE KITA”, an Artists Project in the centre of Berlin, hosting 33 Artists of all disciplines.
“Danke und Chao”, a group participation at Art Athina, Greece with artists, 242, Rea Afantitou, Maria
Later that year takes part in an international exhibition called, SUPERNOVA/CONSTELLATIONS at the Nicosia Municipal Art Center in Cyprus.
In March that year presents her work “IN CONTEXT” at Omicron Gallery in Cyprus in collaboration with photographer Marina Shakola.

Vassilis Karakatsanis Curates a show called Antithesis at Trigono Gallery, Athens where she takes part and same year Nikos Patihis shows his collection including her work in an exhibition at The Power House, Nicosia, called, “Where do we go from here”
In April that year she travels to Buenos Aires for the first time. She travels to and forth to Latin America, for three years, mostly in Peru, leaving with shamans in the Amazon Jungle and climbing mountains with them for months.

She has collaboration with artist, Horst Weierstall, on an Artists book project commemorating the fall of the Berlin wall. Back to Buenos Aires for four months working on her commission for Larnaca Airpot.


Travels to London by invitation from The Royal Holloway University and the VOME Institute to deliver a Talk under the title "Internet Privacy and The Self.
Takes part with other artist at a "Social Engagement " exhibition at Artos Foundation in Nicosia. Her interest is about Hidden knowledge, she calls it, "From magic Mushroom to parsley"
Takes part in the group exhibition, CYPRISLANDIA, Reykjavik Art Gallery. Iceland
Her work is shown in an exhibition called, THE BODY: STORIES AND REPRESANTATIONS, at The Foundation Evagoras & Kathleen Lanitis Carobmill,Limasol.
She gives a lecture at Flashlights-knowledge sharing workshops in Berlin, under the title “FROM THE MAGIC MUSHROOM TO PARSLEY” (organised by arttransporter and berlinerpool)

Gallery, Easchilou 38, invides her to take part in an exhibition called, "Spring equinox", with other Cypriot artists.
Gives her lecture ( FROM THE MAGIC MUSHROOM TO PARSLEY )at the Cornaro Collage in Larnaca and in Nicosia at the MILOI Cultural Center, Ahlangia.At the Lemba School of Art, Paphos.




-Supernova/Constellations, The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre Associated with The Pierides Museum of Contemporary Art
-ACCIDENTAL MEETINGS, The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre Associated with The Pierides Museum of Contemporary Art, 2005

 Hyper Links, Ministry of Education and Culture, Foundation Evagoras & Kathleen Lanitis, 2005

-Jeunes Artists Chypriotes, text by Eleni Nikita, Ministry of Education and Culture. Cultural Services, Nicosia 1998

-Athina Antoniadou, Cyprus. XXIeme Biennale d’Alexandrie des pays de la Mediteranee,
text by Nicos Nicolaou, Ministry of Education and Culture. Cultural Services, Nicosia 2000

-Athina Antoniadou. Africa by Catalogue, Argo Gallery, text by Michalis Vassiliades, Contemporary Cypriot Art,
En Tipis Publications, Nicosia 2001

Sense of Place, CYPRUS-LARNACA-PAFOS-AIRPORTS, Text, Publication, Yiannis Toumazis

BODY: STORIES AND REPRESANTATIONS, Text: Andri Michael, Published by The Foundation Evagoras & Kathleen Lanitis Carobmill, Limasol 2011.



“INTERNET PRIVACY AND THE SELF”, London, VOME. Holloway University.(Video found in internet under the name "Athina Antoniadou VOME")
“FROM THE MAGIC MUSHROOM TO PARSLEY” at Flashlights-knowledge sharing workshops in Berlin (organised by arttransporter and berlinerpool).
“FROM THE MAGIC MUSHROOM TO PARSLEY” at Cornaro Institute Larnaca, Lemba school of Art, Paphos.




Sunjet, Cyprus Airways magazine, 2007
Marina Shiza, Fileleftheros, Nicosia, 18/2/2004
Stas Paraskos, Alithia, Nicosia, 8/10/2004
Igiso Charalambidou, Politis, Nicosia, 27/1/2002
Marina Shiza, Fileleftheros, Nicosia, 17/ 6/2001
Glyn Huges, The Cyprus Weekly, 15/6/2001
Igiso Charalambidou, Politis, 10/6/2001
Antoinette Ludouica Dreere, Fileleftheros, 3/11/1999
Anna Polidorou, Politis, 7/11/1999
Ntina Pampalli, filileftheros, Eleftheros no 47, Nicosia, 14/11/1999
Niki Katsaouni, Fileleftheros, Ikade, 13/10/1996
Aliki Mazi Papayianni, To Vima, 30/4/1994
O Agon, 21/11/1993
Marina Shiza, Fileleftheros, 13/11/1993



Nicos Pattihis
Olympic Committee
Dakis Ioannou
The Cypriot Ministry of Education and culture
Popular Bank of Cyprus
The Bank of Cyprus
The Macedonian Museum of Modern Art, Sallonica.


External Links


Official WEBSITE


© All rights reserved to the  artwork and creations by Athina Antoniadou




Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.